Working Papers

The Missing Loser’s Curse: Experimental Evidence on Belief-Based Models in Common-Value Auctions (with Antonio Rosato)

Experimental Auctions with Securities (with Allan Hernández-Chanto and Declan Hunt) Revise and Resubmit, The Economic Journal

Delegation with Continuation Values

Why Do We Procrastinate? Present Bias and Optimism (with Matthew Gibson and Jeffrey Shrader)

Biased Contest Judges (with Gregory Kubitz)

Revealed Preference Tests for Linear Probability-Prize Tradeoffs (with Paul Feldman)

Competition between sellers in security-bid auctions: An experimental study (with Allan Hernández-Chanto and Elliot Hiller)

Published & Forthcoming

Breig, Zachary, and Paul Feldman. “Revealing risky mistakes through revisions.” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty (2024): 1-28.

Kenny, Danelle, Kim-Huong Nguyen, Lana Friesen, Zachary Breig, and Tracy Comans. “Heuristics, Biases, and Decisions in Resource Allocation for Home Care Packages under Consumer Directed Care: A Systematic Review and Thematic Synthesis.” Health & Social Care in the Community 2023 (2023).

Breig, Zachary. “Repeated contracting without commitment.” Journal of Economic Theory 204 (2022): 105514.

Breig, Zachary, and Mitch Downey. “Agency breadth and political influence.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 188 (2021): 253-268.

Breig, Zachary. “Prediction and Model Selection in Experiments.” Economic Record 96, no. 313 (2020): 153-176.

Breig, Zachary. “Endogenous and exogenous commitment.” Economics Letters 183 (2019): 108577.