Working Papers
Experimental Auctions with Securities (with Allan Hernández-Chanto and Declan Hunt)
Delegation with Continuation Values
Why Do We Procrastinate? Present Bias and Optimism (with Matthew Gibson and Jeffrey Shrader) [Appendix, Survey Instruments]
Biased Contest Judges (with Gregory Kubitz)
Revealed Preference Tests for Linear Probability-Prize Tradeoffs (with Paul Feldman)
Competition between sellers in security-bid auctions: An experimental study (with Allan Hernández-Chanto and Elliot Hiller)
Published & Forthcoming
Breig, Zachary, and Paul Feldman. “Revealing risky mistakes through revisions.” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty (2024): 1-28.
Kenny, Danelle, Kim-Huong Nguyen, Lana Friesen, Zachary Breig, and Tracy Comans. “Heuristics, Biases, and Decisions in Resource Allocation for Home Care Packages under Consumer Directed Care: A Systematic Review and Thematic Synthesis.” Health & Social Care in the Community 2023 (2023).
Breig, Zachary. “Repeated contracting without commitment.” Journal of Economic Theory 204 (2022): 105514.
Breig, Zachary, and Mitch Downey. “Agency breadth and political influence.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 188 (2021): 253-268.
Breig, Zachary. “Prediction and Model Selection in Experiments.” Economic Record 96, no. 313 (2020): 153-176.
Breig, Zachary. “Endogenous and exogenous commitment.” Economics Letters 183 (2019): 108577.